
View topic - Support for netgear R6300 R6300v2 - DD

This is the stable build from Kong. If you want to try the latest test builds, you can upgrade from the dd-wrt gui with a bin file.

View topic - R6300V2 - Expected speed on wan port - DD

Enabling CTF + FA I got 924 Mbs download and 506 Mbs upload when testing with only one outgoing port connected. Anyway I will look after another ...

Latest secure stable BS build for Netgear r6300v2 - DD

I'd suggest trying the latest build, after checking the BCM build thread reports for Netgear routers running k4.4. Reset and manually setup.

View topic - [SOLVED] Netgear R6300v2 COX - DD

The model is R6300v2 but it is a Cox-specific version. That's why it won't accept the usual R6300v2 firmware.

Netgear R6300V2 DD

View the recommended dual band Wireless settings for the Netgear R6300V2 with open source DD-WRT firmware from FlashRouters.

NETGEAR R6300v2 Merlin變身AC68u,性價比大爆燈!Merlin固件 ...

FLASH刷入R6300V2-Merlin-AsusWRT 固件. FLASH的順序是原廠還原-> DD-wrt過渡固件-> 1.2版MERLIN -> 1.4.3版MERLIN. 賽前部署 · FLASH刷入R6300V2-Merlin...

Netgear R6300v2 - DD

From stock Netgear firmware to DD-WRT on a R6300v2: Turn on router, wait for Power light to go solid green, then reset router. R6300v2 Versions · Flashing Instructions · Initial DD-WRT Installation

Netgear R6300v2 DD

This upgrade will only upgrade Routers from standard factory firmware to dd-wrt firmware. Let us help remove some of the risk for you.

DD-WRT for R6300R6300v2

All builds include ddup util, which allows update checking and flashing of the following models: Netgear EX6200, Netgear AC1450, Netgear R6250, Netgear R6300V2.

Which firmware for Netgear R6300 V2 ? : rDDWRT

Latest firmware for R6300v2 is 8/1/2023. This unit is actively maintained. https://ftp.dd-wrt.com/dd- ...


ThisisthestablebuildfromKong.Ifyouwanttotrythelatesttestbuilds,youcanupgradefromthedd-wrtguiwithabinfile.,EnablingCTF+FAIgot924Mbsdownloadand506Mbsuploadwhentestingwithonlyoneoutgoingportconnected.AnywayIwilllookafteranother ...,I'dsuggesttryingthelatestbuild,aftercheckingtheBCMbuildthreadreportsforNetgearroutersrunningk4.4.Resetandmanuallysetup.,ThemodelisR6300v2butitisaCox-specificversion.Th...